Saturday, July 14, 2007

Promise of Grace by Bonnie K. Winn

Grace Stanton has to learn to start over again. She survives a serious accident only to lose her fiancé. He is not strong enough to stand with her. She can’t believe that this is all happening to her and makes her question her faith. She has a long way to recover and the only miracle in her life seems to be Noah Brady, a small town doctor. Noah sees that Grace needs more than TLC to heal her wounds. Can he reach her broken heart and restore her shattered faith as well?

Ms. Winn is a fabulous inspirational author. This story may happen to a lot of people after being in terrible car accidents but having faith helps us step up and get through things. At least that has been my experience. Ms. Winn does not make it an easy road and no one is perfect. There are a lot of doubts but things can progress slowly. That is the best way of doing things.

Grace is a normal girl in most ways. She lost both her parents and finally started to feel better when her world is turned upside down once again. She does not want to go to her Aunt Ruth’s house but then she does not have other options. Having someone accept her is the most important thing to Grace. But having a male doctor who goes beyond the call of duty surprises her most of all. Noah fights getting involved personally after things that happened in his past. He does not want to repeat any mistakes. But finding the joy that Grace does by slowly getting involved in the community warms his heart. He begins to wonder if he should share his feelings or keep them to himself.

This is a beautiful love story of how two equally yoked people can find joy after the storm. Ms. Winn really gets to the heart of things and shows that it truly is the inside that counts. Beauty will fade but changes in life can make your life better in the long run. I can’t wait to read more by this author! It was an uplifting joyful story.

251 pages/ Inspirational Romance/ New Author/ 5 out of 5

Well off to read two books for review and then back to my own pile. :)