Monday, December 01, 2008

Ghost Hunting by Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, Jan

Awesome book! Okay serious it was, I got a glimpse into more of what they do and how they go about doing their work. There was some repetitiveness that drove me crazy from time to time, but I truly felt that they wanted to make sure they said things correctly so people would understand that this is serious work. It truly is, I used to watch the show. I say used to because I have a very vivid imagination.

I remember my first episode, I believe it was last year, all I remember is that they were at this old Physic Hospital that is now abandoned. I think that is what it is but what sticks in my mind is how there was a black form that they saw down the hallway. It “floated” out and “floated” back into the shadows. Steve and Brian (at least I think that is who it was lol) had to go over this a couple of times to make sure that they had seen it. It freaked me out till no end!!! No joke.

Reading about some of their old cases that I had never seen was interesting cause I got a better glimpse of how they did this. They do their best to find out what is really going on and that is what kept me going back to the show time and time again. But well having a young child in the house, not wise to watch it till he is asleep. That meant I couldn't watch the show till 10pm. Umm yeah, bad idea for me!

But I truly appreciated what these guys did and what they are doing now. They truly make sure they try to figure out what is going on whether it is faked, stuff in the house that is making the noises, or it is really real. So yeah, definitely a book to read if you love this show or if you're curious at what they do and not sure you can watch it. :) It still has some jumpy moments but not so scary at least for me. :)

Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, Jan Michael Freeman, Non Fiction, Ghost stories, 5 out of 5

November Reads and Stats

Very slow month. Working 4 day weeks kept me hopping. So here is my list:
190. The List by Steve Martini 10-30-08 through 11-03-08 C
191.The School Run by Sophie King 11-03-08 through 11-05-08 B
192. A Death in Vienna by Daniel Silva 11-05-08 through 11-08-08 B
193. The Murder of Helen Jewett by Patrica Cline Cohen 11-08-08 through11-16-08 B
194. The Christmas Husband by Mary Anne Wilson 11-17-08 A
195. Once Upon A Christmas by Brenda Novak, Melinda Curtis, and Anna Adams 11-17-08 through 11-18-08 A
196. Prince of Fire by Daniel Silva 11-18-08 through 11-30-08 A

Total Books Read: 7
New Authors: 6
Fiction: 6
Non-fiction: 1
TBR: 2
Chunksters: 3
Books I Reviewed: 0
Christmas/Winter: 2
Romance: 3
Mystery: 3
From the Stacks: 7
Books I Bought: 2
PBS Sent: 6
PBS Received: 10
Total pages read: 2717 pages

Well, I have another book review to type up. This one read pretty quick. :)

Prince of Fire by Daniel Silva

Gabriel Allon is ready to do some work for a friend when Ari comes looking for him. This time there is more at stake than even Gabriel thinks. Can he play by the rules?

Mr. Silva does it again and the real situtaions that happened in this book were taken from history. He just tweaked a little. But then it is fiction so it is entirely possible. Once again I was swept up into this book.

I truly felt for Gabriel. He had to start with a new team and figure out how to solve the problem that was coming. He was also torn between Chiara and his wife Leah. Tough choices for a man who loves his art.

This is a good book but not as good as the last one. Though that one was more heart wrenching. This one had me on the edge of my seat. I will definitely have to get the next one in the series!

Daniel Silva/ Chunkster/ 400 pages/ Spy story/ 4 out of 5

I enjoyed this one. It was not easy to read at times but was interesting. Off to read a review book and then my first Christmas book for December!