Different songs that were written by Michael Card head up this non-fiction book and express better than simple words can. It helps if you know the songs but the words are beautiful on their own without the music. After each song, Mr. Card writes a brief essay about the subject of the song and what it shows. I was so pleased cause I not only got a glimpse into his writing process but how he thinks things through for each and every song at least listed in this book.
I have grown up listening to this music and even though this book is a little old, I was so pleased with how things were put together. Things flowed well from each section from birth to the Cross. The songs a lot of them brought back memories of growing up. I was impressed with how his writing style really hasn't changed from A Violent Grace and this previous work.
I have other books of his on the shelf and cannot wait to read more of his thoughts! This review is only short due to the fact that the book should speak for itself.
Michael Card/Non-Fiction/Life of Christ/247 pages/ 4 out of 5
FTC: This is a book that I own.