Maisie is learning all over again how to use what Maurice taught her. Georgina needs answers to her twin bother Nicholas’ death. So with the advice of Dame Constance, she seeks out Maisie. Struggling to put everything together, Maisie is tested again. She must go to places Nicholas loved and comes across hidden things. Yet while doing her best for Georgina, she becomes pulled away by a different tragedy. She now must get back to the case and figure out how the different things fit together and remain steady at the same time. Yet she wonders if she can do that.
Ms. Winspear weaves a story full of emotions. Her characters know how to truly feel things but not always share them. The doubts that Maisie must face are relevant to even today. The time and place could be anywhere because of the emotions in this story. War seems to be always there even if we are not involved. I admired Ms. Winspear’s blatant honesty and that her characters are flawed.
Maisie is a woman full of doubts, emotion, and not always willing to look inside herself for the answers. She not only has a lot to think about in this particular case but also in how to handle her personal affairs. Georgina’s family is very intriguing not only in the way they express themselves but how they act around each other. I think this is the most demanding case for Maisie. She has to deal with her dreams and what she wants for her life and so soon after falling ill. I was thrilled to see Inspector Stratton back. He is a man who knows how to listen to Maisie and take in everything she says. Even if her may look bad to other people he works with. He is an honorable man and one I hope to see more of in the next book.
This book got to me because we are in a war now. And no matter what your opinion, it is something we need to think about. Not only those affected by what we do in other countries, but how it affects us at home. Ms. Winspear’s books do make you question what you think about life. Though that may not be her intent that has been my experience. I feel truly blessed that I live now and can appreciate the freedoms we have. As alluring as any other time period might be, I’m glad to be here now. I looked forward to the next book in the series to see what Maisie is up to next. This is one character that never disappointed me with all her faults. It reminds me that I have much to learn still and will do my best every day.
Jacqueline Winspear/ 322 pages/ Mystery/ War/ Historical/ 5 out of 5
I finished this one Sunday but have been busy reading review books. Right now I am working on a book for the author of the month for my yahoo group AN2R. :) Well off to bed!