Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tapped Out by Natalie M. Roberts

Jenny Partridge is gearing up for a competition but when she is asked by her old friend Bill to teach as well. She is surprised since he wants her help. His teachers have disappeared on him. So now he has left scrambling, so Jenny agrees to help. Detective Tate Wilson comes into the picture cause she needs his help. Soon threats begin on Jenny to leave and not help Bill after all. Can her life get any crazier?

Ms. Roberts does it again. The antics that Jenny puts up with kept me laughing through most of the book. I felt horrible how people didn’t want to see her succeed mind you they had their own schemes for it. The characters will keep you turning pages to see if it all works out or goes even more horribly wrong. Jenny has a lot of issues she is dealing with and her family is not helping as usual. Well, they help a little but they are rather too nosey. But that is how families and makes the book more realistic. I am happy that there is another book but sad that after this the last in the series so far. I hope there is more to come!

This is one series that just does not know when to stop! I loved it! These characters keep me in stitches. Definitely a great second book in a series but you have to read TuTu Deadly first.

Natalie M. Roberts/ Cozy Mystery/ New Author/ Dance/ 5 out of 5

Working on a review book and then another one from my stack. :)