In this non-fiction memoir, Valerie shares her journey from beginning of her career as an actress to when she started on Jenny Craig and how that was successful. It delved into how her mind worked from the beginning and how she was able to change her way of thinking. She always made sure to mention it wasn't easy at first but the results she saw kept her motivated to keep going.
I admire Ms. Bertinelli for sticking things out. There was a lot of stress on her life maybe even more so than I can think of. Being an emotional eater certainly didn't help but she was able to work on it and work through it.
It's an every day thing that she works on. I really enjoyed her honesty. I do my best not to pry into other people's lives. Celebrities need their privacy too. Yet if it is blasted across the papers, it's difficult to ignore it. A lot of the book happened before I realized what was going on and I applaud for Ms. Bertinelli for sharing her journey. It definitely takes some guts. And now she is finally happy and knows that to herself she must be true.
Valerie Bertinelli/ Non-fiction/277 pages/ Memoir/4 out of 5
I finished this book yesterday but with work and everything never got a chance to write my review. This was a great book and I highly recommend it!