Irish Rebel
Keeley Grant has had a privileged life. Everything she has ever wanted has been hers. Now her father brings Brian Donnelly to Royal Meadows to help train horses. Keeley is not sure what to think. Brian is taken aback by Keeley, not only is she beautiful but she has talent with teaching children to ride horses. He is not sure what to do with her since her position and her wealth should keep him back. Her innocence is what attracts him and he wonders if he could find a place to stay.
I really liked this story not only for the way Brian talked, which did make me swoon. But for the lovely story of two people overcoming the ideals set for them and to make new ones for themselves. Nora Roberts has a wonderful writing style that pleases my heart time and time again.
I loved all the characters. Keeley is a determined woman and does not always like to ask for help. Brian cannot seem to get past the class distinctions that are stuck in his head from being over in Ireland. But it is Keeley’s mother Adelia who seems to be the one to set everything right. She won my heart because she was compassionate and could keep the men in line.
Sullivan’s Woman
Cassie St. John is struggling not only in her journey to get published but to keep a job in general. So when she is asked to pose for Collin Sullivan, she decides to take the job since she could use the extra pay and then time to work on her second book. Everything seemed to point that her troubles were over but just one look and she knew it could only be the start.
This story was endearing for the simple fact that they were not out to jump each other’s bones right away. There was more to it than that and they had a lot of stuff to work through. This was just as wonderful as Irish Rebel. Nora Roberts can captivate you so much.
Having them deny their love was fun to watch. They knew that there was something between them but Cassie didn’t want to be known as one of Collin’s next thing. Collin wanted to keep things professional. Cassie was so sweet and yet had such a temper. Yet Collin could match her with her temper.
Both stories were really good. I really liked Sullivan’s woman better. Though they both had class distinctions, the last story reversed the situation. This is one book that was immensely good with both stories. I love books like this and hope to read another one by Ms. Roberts soon.
Nora Roberts/ Romance/ Chunkster/ 432 pages/ 5 out of 5
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