In the small town of Rossmore, Ireland, they are talking about putting in a new road to help direct lorries and trucks. But not everyone is okay with this because the new road not only will end up going through Whitethorn Woods but also right through were the statue of St. Ann and her well are placed. People don’t want the new change because of the St. Ann statue and all the miracles that it brought to the town.
Maeve Binchy does it again! I was very impressed. I normally do not care for short stories but I loved this one. I loved how each story connected to the other. The characters were wonderful because not only were they not perfect but the town had misconceived notions about certain people that were not true. Ms. Binchy weaves such a wonderful story that I had a difficult time putting this book down.
Father Brian Flynn was my favorite. He really was of two minds of what to do about the new road. He didn’t want it to be there but at the same time didn’t see the power in St. Ann. Plus the fact that Rome had never acknowledged what the well and the statue could do. My other favorite character was Neddy Nolan. He was thought to be soft in the head or something like that. The truth was he just let people believe that about him and took his own time at things. He was rather smart. The town made me laugh and cry.
I had not read a book I liked by her in awhile. I was nervous to pick this book up but I had to give it a try. I loved it! The characters were great and everything tied in with every story. You really got a full picture of the town. I give it a 5/5. I hope to go back and read other stories by her.
339 pages/Fiction
Off now to read Deadly Apparaisal by Jane K. Cleland then a romance novel and not sure what after that. I am pretty sick so plan to rest a lot! :)