Wednesday, July 01, 2009

My June Stat s and Read

Yes you read that right, it says read. I only read one book but boy it was a big one.

Total Books I Read: 1
New Authors: 1
Non-fiction: 1
Chunksters: 1
Mystery: 0
Romance: 0
From the Stacks: 1
Books For Review:0
Books I Bought: 0
Total Pages Read: 736 pages

My hours at work went up and down constantly plus being wiped out from the pregnancy hasn't helped much either. I am hoping this month to do much better and get another chunkster in. We'll see!

The Great Shame by Thomas Keneally

This book is full of situations and people that I've known about most of my life. Yet Mr. Keneally puts a new spin on them and gives them more depth than what I've ever read. He never truly paints things black and white in my opinion. He just puts all the information in front of you. This author certainly did his research and I was so impressed with the details that were on every page.

Mr. Keneally researched every aspect so that the span of the book made sense. The 19th century history book was fascinating from all angles. It started before the Potato Famine talking about the convict ships that went to Australia and went through the Civil War. His telling of history in Australia, Ireland, and America was captivating and there were times I couldn't put the book down. There are even times when the book centers on things that happen in Canada since they did land there as well.

The only part that lacked for me was not more about the author's ancestors. I guess I expected more than what I ended up with. The book featured a lot of people that I knew and it was interesting to read about the lives of people and where they ended up at the end. Being a big book can be daunting to most people, but if you keep with it, you will definitely be rewarded. I was sad to see it go but all loose ends were tied up. I am curious to read Schindler's List now since he wrote the book about it. The one thing Mr. Keneally did was make sure to point out where the mistakes were made by both sides yet never actually pointing fingers. This sweeping book of history encompasses so many things that it's difficult to write a review for this one. I am glad I did finally pick up this book cause it was worth every bit of time. I applaud Mr. Keneally for writing such a fantastic book and taking the effort to compile all the information.

Thomas Keneally/ New Author/ Non-Fiction/ History/736 pages/ 5 out of 5

Next up a quick post of my stats for last month.