Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Quick Read

I finished She's Got Issues by Stephanie Lessing not that long ago. Here is what I think. :)

Chloe has always dreamt about working on the Magazine Issues. But when it finally happens, it isn’t how she always dreamed and her boss is a total nightmare. It even gets to the point where she is not sure what to do about it when she goes to the shoe closet and there she meets Stan. He is a nice guy and she loves meeting him there. But once an article is written about an assistant who is possibly sleeping her way to the top, it makes her re-evaluate what she really wants. Along with the help of her sister Zoë, she works her way through the muck at work. Will she stay at her job? Is she able to succeed and work with everyone in the Art Department?

I really enjoyed the dynamic between Zoë and Chloe. There were too great sisters. I thought it was awesome how Zoë would stick up for her younger sister Chloe. Though I think she often went too far and Chloe was smart to combat that without her sister knowing. I also really liked Liz the cafeteria lady. She was sweet and not often in the book but the few times that she was in there she was the balancer for Chloe. It was enjoyable to see. All the characters were believable cause there are people that are really like that. That was what finally won me over.

At first when I started “She’s Got Issues”, I was rather disappointed. I felt that Chloe was self-centered and her job was pointless. As the book went along, I finally warmed up to her and the other characters in the book. The writing was well down and the characters were very real to me. Stephanie Lessing is an incredible author and I enjoyed how she unfolded her story. I look forward to reading her next book Miss Understanding and how she decides to take Zoë’s story.

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