Saturday, July 04, 2009

Thursday Next: First Among Sequels by Jasper Fforde

Thursday will have quite a situation on her hands. Changes must be made or outlanders will no longer read. In the last fourteen years, readership has dropped. Having to hide her what she does, certainly doesn't make things easier than taking up a laying carpet job as a front. Her sixteen year old son would rather sleep than take up his destiny as leader of the Chronoguard. And having to train a new cadet in the book world is only the beginning. She has to face down her worst enemy, herself.

Mr. Fforde has done it again! It has taken me a long time to pick up this book and boy am I glad I have now! There is so much literature stuff involved in this book that it just makes me very happy. The depth of characters and seeing how the world has changed for Thursday has been enjoyable. There were a few times I wasn't sure how Mr. Fforde would wrap things up but old nemeses coming into play shook up this reader's world. The twists and turns in this plot had me flipping pages over and over again. This is one author who certainly knows how to write good fiction!

Thursday has grown up and has more children with Landon. Landon is still trying to write the great novel and not having a whole lot of luck. Thursday does her best to help him but it still seems to fall short. Not to mention that Thursday is battling the book world issues and trying to make her life better at the same time. Her son Friday just wants to play in a band and forget about the chronoguard even though her father was involved in that. Things cannot seem to get any more messy for Thursday.

I won't give away any of my favorite parts but I thank authors who have allowed Mr. Fforde to pop their characters in. It was seriously too much fun for this reader! I cannot wait for the next Thursday Next book and am curious to read the book he has coming out in December. Hopefully this time, it won't take nearly as long to get to it.

Jasper Fforde/ Thursday Next Series/ 384 pages/Literary/ 4 out of 5

Keep an eye open for a fun post in the next couple of days!

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