Saturday, March 06, 2010

The Legend of the Green Man by Sara Hely

Kitty Harcombe is finally hoping to find love in a marriage. Her first one had it's moments but her husband died young after getting in a horse riding accident. Lord Fossick seems to be the man for her, so she sends a letter and can only hope he got it in time. Traveling is horrendous and when the next carriage doesn't show up, Kitty is at her wits end. That begins a whole series of events that make Kitty wonder if she should have ever left London.

Ms. Hely's first novel is fantastic. I was moved by the time period in Ireland of 1798. A lot happened and you can tell that with how the characters react to the events that take place in the book. Her characters are strong ones and not to be trifled with.

I loved Kitty cause she wanted to stick to her plans. Maggie, her servant, tried to talk her out of it. But she had to see things for herself. She was a stubborn person but she finally was able to see things for herself. It made her realize what she really wanted. Luke Denny was sick of being downtrodden. He could only prove himself and his family if he could talk to the head of the family. It might take some help from The Green Man.

I have had this book for so long that I'm surprised I haven't read it sooner. It was a fantastic ride and I would love to see if there is more by this author. She knows how to keep you in suspense. I was thoroughly pleased.

Sara Hely/ New Author/275 pages/ Ireland/Fiction/Historical/ 4 out of 5

I have a picture, just couldn't find my card reader. I hope to post it tomorrow sometime. :)Off to read set in Alaska! Great timing with the Iditarod.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

I have an award for you at my place. Have a great day!

Just Books