Friday, November 02, 2007

My Stats and Reads for Oct

Here are my stats:
Total books read: 26
New Authors: 35
Fiction: 22
Non-Fiction: 4
Scary Books: 3
Cozies: 5
Chunksters: 1
Books Reviewed: 15
From the Stacks:
Books I Bought: 8
PBS Sent: 7
PBS Received: 2
Total Pages Read: 6,137 pages

216. Beyond the Mommy Years by Carin Rubenstein, PhD 9-28-07 through 10-01-07 B
217. Don’t Make A Scene by Valerie Block 10-01-07 through 10-03-07 C
218. Plenty Good Room by Cheri Paris Edwards 10-03-07 through 10-04-07 A+
219. Dead Men Don’t Lye by Tim Myers 10-04-07 through 10-05-07 A+
220. Merle’s Door: Lessons from a Free Thinking Dog by Ted Kerasote 10-05-07 through 10-09-07 A+

221. The Ghost and Mrs. McClure by Alice Kimberly 10-09-07 A+
222. Fernseed for Fairysight by Sally Odgers 10-09-07 through 10-11-07 A
223. The Tunnels by Michelle Gagnon (Scary Book Challenge) 10-10-07 through 10-13-07 A
224. The Rules of Darkness by Tia Fanning 10-13-07 through 10-14-07 A
225. One for the Money by Janet Evanovich 10-14-07 through 10-15-07 A
226. Weirdly by Various (Scary Book Challenge) 10-15-07 through 10-17-07 D
227. The Dead Guy Interviews by Michael A. Stusser 10-17-07 through 10-18-0-7 A
228. Summer Wine by Helen Ravell 10-18-07 through 10-19-07 A
229. Keepsake Crimes by Laura Childs 10-19-07 through 10-20-07 A
230. Photo Finished by Laura Childs 10-21-07 A+
231. Bound for Murder by Laura Childs 10-22-07 A+
232. You’ve Been Warned by James Patterson and Howard Roughan (Scary Book Challenge) 10-22-07 through 10-23-07 C
233. Away by Amy Bloom 10-23-07 through 10-24-07 C
234. Always A Warrior by Patricia Bruening 10-24-07 A
235. Between the Gutter and the Sky by Babe King 10-24-07 through 10-25-07 A
236. Blood of Flowers by Anita Amirrezvani 10-25-07 through 10-26-07 A
237. Redemption by Keira Ramsay 10-26-07 through 10-27-07 A+
238. Plato and A Platypus Walk Into A Bar by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein 10-27-07 through 10-28-07 A
239. The Prayer Chest by Joel Fontios and August Gold 10-28-07 A
240. Sacred Ground by Rita Karonapp 10-28-07 through 10-29-07 A
241. Ardenwycke Unveiled by Kelly Ferjutz 10-29-07 through 10-30-07 A

I did not finish The Seance by Heahter Graham in time so that is the first book for November. I hope I am able to read quite a few books but with writing we'll have to see.

1 comment:

Keira Ramsay said...

WOW!! You gave my book Redemption an freakin' cool is that!

Thanks soooo much, and I'm super glad you enjoyed it!
