Trudy has her feet wet but this next crime scene has her puzzled. Tanner whitcomb who drives a hubcap claims he has run over a man. Keeping a straight face, she goes to check out the crime scene. Actual tire tracks on the body has her scratching her head about all of it. A poshly dressed man doesn't fit the small town of Ogeechee. It all leads back to Atlanta and the past that Trudy had while living there. Is there someone there that is willing to kill again?
Ms. Berry writes another fantastic book in the series. It builds up just where the other one left off. Her characters that repeat have more depth. I loved seeing how they changed in this story. Relationships were tested and Ms. Berry gave you closed endings for most of them. She truly shows you the true way of small town life. I agreed and it made me giggle at times having once lived in a small town. Ms. Berry also showed how she can write silly characters as well as very serious ones. It was a joy to watch the whole story unfold.
Trudy really shines in this book. She doesn't have as much free reign as the last one. Yet she still is able to prove herself to Henry. She has to fight some of her family in little ways. Dulcie, her niece, is still around and as sweet as ever. Phill Pittman, the editor of the local newspaper, and Trudy seem to be expanding their friendship. I can't wait to see where that goes next.
This series just keeps getting better. It never comes across as over the top. Every scene is so genuine. I am blown away by the fun of it all. The murder again is not gruesome in detail. This author keeps me on edge to see what happens next. It's a book you laugh out loud while reading as well as just finding it for the most part like you are coming home.
Linda Berry/Cozy Mystery/ 256 pages/ Small Town/ Family and Friends/ 5 out of 5
So glad to get another one done for the cozy mystery challenge. Now just need to write up my post for Everything Austen Challenge II.
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